lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

Happy All Hallows Eve!

The Twilight Notebook's team wishes you a spooky All-Hallows-Eve!!

24th October

Yesterday night we came to a small village at the edges of the forest.

We are staying at the only inn of the village. It is also the only tavern and shop in the place, so our presence didn’t pass unnoticed. There was some kind of general expectation because very few outsiders come to this place.

Anyway the villagers seem to be quite kind and after some weeks walking through trees and undergrowth some sleeping under shelter and some human company will be appreciated… Although it seems that they are not the only inhabitants in this little village.

Tyrannofata sp.

This morning we heard some kind of screams, as if something or someone was shouting for help.

When we came to the place they came from it was already too late. The macabre scene left us petrified. An almost unrecognizable creature was lying on the floor, its blood was shedding over the forest. Two winged beings were leaving in silence the place while their victim was lying dead.

It seems that a colony of these fairies are living in an area near from here, where datura bushes are grown.
We decided to name them Tyrannofatas.

It is probably a good idea not to get too close to them.

Glances in the darkness

We are in the middle of Autumn and we keep on with our journey through a thick forest that changes every day. From night to day some mushrooms rise where nothing was to be found the day before. The risk of becoming trapped by a ring of fairies is higher and higher.
As some animals, plants and other creatures vanish, some others take their place when the season falls. We have been observing them from the undergrowth.
Little spots and refulgent stains in the darkness.
Yesterday night we took this picture:

Photographing Faeries

There is a huge variety of opinions about why someone is born with the innate ability of seeing fairies. Anyone who knows where to find it, he will also find hundreds of methods to get this ability of seeing artificially. Some people speak about stone glasses, rituals, four-leaf clovers, mushrooms, primrose petals and altered states of mind.

The art of taking pictures of fairies is on the other hand far much easier. What we have learnt for sure from Miss Moore is that everything comes down to a matter of optics and chemistry.

19th September

As we keep on with our journey, the brief encounters with many little and strange beings tend to occur more often. As the days go by the faeries appear to be more and more curious and confident. They show themselves easily. Maybe they are getting used to us.
Find here some quick sketches we have drawn until today.

Speciofata europsis

We have been trying for a week to find the creature we had pictured recently. For some reason and in spite of the impression (or the certainty) of being constantly surrounded by these beings it seems to be impossible to observe them directly. These are really slick fairies.

The funny thing is that in spite of it all they are quite interested in slipping in our pictures in which they can be seen. Maybe the “problem” is not them, but our eyes.

From the pictures I took, Raúl has drawn some sketches of these strange creatures.

Eyes in the depth of the forest...

We keep on with our journey through a thick forest situated in an indeterminate place in the European geography. We haven’t passed anything with flesh and blood for quite a few days. Just bark and wood.

Since we accidentally bumped into the amphibian maida week ago we haven’t found any clear traces of magical beings, but the strange feeling of being observed overcomes us constantly and for the last two days we know that we are not alone. Someone or something has been rummaging through our bags while we were sleeping. Through all of them but the bag with the iron buckle. It can only mean one single thing: fairies.

While we checked if everything was allright, Raúl accidentally took a picture.

Everything points out that we are indeed not alone.