martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

Help from below

The child is still missing. Everyone in the village have been searching for more than a week already, but no trace of the baby at all, and the bad weather doesn't help.

Today we've been searching in the moors again and, while the mother prays for help from above, we might have found it from below...

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

The Changeling

We have spent more than two weeks stuck in the village hadrly able to leave the inn due to the bad weather. With the exception of the household brownie who lives in the tavern and steals cookies every night, we've not been able to study other cases of paranormal activity... until today's afternoon.
A weeping woman has entered the inn desesperately asking for us. She was carrying what seemed to be a baby wrapped in a blanket. But it was not.
Faeries have stolen her child.

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

All Hallows Eve

During this week we have observed the relationship the inhabitants of the village have with the “supernatural”. In spite of not interacting directly with the “magical” creatures very often, they are totally aware of their existence and presence and superstitions are part of their traditions and daily life.

Yesterday night we were invited to celebrate all-hallows-eve with them and we observed a scene we had never imagined to see as we arrived. Every year around these days hundreds of will-o’-the-wisps gather in the moor close to the village and they offer an eerie show for the human observer.